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May 24, 2018: 4th General Meeting

Last Thursday, the Partnership's fourth General Meeting was held at Laval University's School of Architecture, which concerned the annual budget and report, ongoing and future projects, the formation of the committees, and the closing projects for the Partnership.

Partners present (T = Telephone): Michel Allard, Myriam Blais, André Casault, Geneviève Cloutier (T), Pierre Côté, Gérard Duhaime (T), Patrick Evans (T), Caroline Hervé, Louis Piccon (T), Denise Piché, Émilie Pinard (T), Geneviève Vachon, Marie-Ève Vaillancourt (T), Hélène Arsenault, Mona Belleau (T), Marie Fontaine, Maxime Héroux (T), Shaomik Inukpuk (T), Nakoma Jourdain (T), Mayor Pauloosie Kasudluak (T), Martin Lévesque (T), Gilles Rocheleau, Guy Robichaud, Marie-Pierre McDonald, Samuel Boudreault, Élisa Gouin, Mathieu Avarello, Pierre-Olivier Demeule, Etienne Lambert, Marika Vachon (T) and Simon Proulx.

Among the highlights were SSHRC's favourable return following the mid-term report, the proposal to create an Aboriginal Committee, the addition of Johanne Gauthier to the Steering Committee (replacing Robert Verret), and the addition of a new partner: Marie-Pierre McDonald of BC2.

Stay tuned for the minutes!

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