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June 8th to 12th, 2017: International Congress on Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS IX), Sweden

Many of our colleagues are currently in Umeå, Sweden, to participate in the ICASS IX congress, held by the International Arctic Social Sciences Association. The congress examines the various responses social sciences and the humanities can contribute to challenges affecting the people and places of the North, such as climate change, industrial extraction, globalisation, food and water insecurity, etc.

The programme touches a wide range of themes, from archaeology to governance, through health, languages, mobility and many others. Marilene Baribeau, André Casault, Carmen Rock, Alain Fournier, Bettina Koschade and Gaëlle André-Lescop will be presenting alternately under the sustainability theme to discuss "Northern Housing : from Design to Decolonization". Caroline Hervé and Patrick Evans will be discussing the importance of family houses and sustainable housing, respectively.

For more information, click here to access the programme and the IASSA page.

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