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Starting February 13th : "MOOC : Northern Quebec" Available at INQ

This MOOC is an initiative of the Institut nordique du Québec (INQ), which gathers three founding universities: l'Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Laval University, and McGill University.

This course offers an introduction to social and political issues of northern Quebec, a territory that is also the traditional home of several First Nations. The different units will allow a better understanding of the northern populations’ cultures, of northern representations in our collective imagination, of the various visions of the economic development of this territory and of its socio-political developments.

This course is aimed at everyone who is interested in northern Quebec and would like to know more about this territory, its historical context, its various societies and issues.

Professor in charge of this MOOC : Thierry Rodon, Department of Political Science, Laval University.

Until March 6 2017 (Session from February 13 to April 10, 2017)

Module 1 : Envisioning the North: between science and poetry

Module 2 : Migrations and Encounters

Module 3 : Indigenous Peoples: Between Recognition and Neglect

Module 4 : Northern Development: Homeland vs Hinterland

Module 5 : Regional governances

Module 6 : The Northern Political Economy

Module 7 : Which Development for the North?

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